secret of the Luopan

This Picture is Luopan.

Compass is a center place.

Many "KANJI" are around the compass.

子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳 . . . . . 

五黄土星 三碧木星 . . . . . . . . 

In old china people didn't have a concept of the "Digit"

1 10 100 1000. . . . there is not a concept of the Digit in the old world.

Old chinese used many "KANJI" Instead of the Digit.

子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳 . . . . . 1 set of 12 characters

五黄土星、四緑木製 . . . . . . 1 set of 9 characters

Digit is a common multiple of those "KANJ UNIT"

They had counted a day and time every day Using "KANJI UINIT"

Actually one KANJI and one KANJI have no has a meaning of  Number.

”子” ”Mouse”  has a image "little", " Quick",etc

But ”子” on the LOUPAN has a meaning of "number 1"

This picture is Luopan of 9 stars

一白 is 1 and white

二黒 is 2 and black

三碧 is 3 and sky blue

四緑 is 4 and green

五黄 is 5 and yellow

六白 is 6 and white

七赤 is 7 and red

八白 is 8 and white

九紫 is 9 and purple

Those number and color is very famous "feng Shui's  Feature"

9 years cycle,those 9 stars will change the location.

Basic form is that "5 yellow Saturn"  "五黄土星” is center place.

Actually Basic form of 9 stars LOUPAN is a Playing of numbers.

Please look this picture.

Vertical,Horizontal,diagonal all line numbers are total 15 .

"5" is most special number than another numbers.

This playing numbers situation is only that 5 is center.(without Contrast pattern)


 Σ15 4 9
Σ15 3 5 7
Σ15 8 1 6
Σ15 Σ15 Σ15 Σ15 Σ15

”5-yellow-Saturn" is most important star.

Every year,lucky locations and unlucky locations are determined by this "5-yellow-Saturn's location"

For example

If "5-yellow-Saturn"is southeast location in year,Southeast and northwest locations are very unlucky location for everyone, named "GOOUSATSU 五黄殺" and "ANKENSATSU 暗剣殺"  

Why is 5 most important number ?

I will write this reasons on next page.

Can you understand secret of LOUPAN?

This item doesn't have important meanings.

It's playing of numbers and one KANJI have no important means.

But those ambiguous Feng Shui's situation is a reasons for hitting well in your life.

Because real Feng Shui's theory has very similar to Quantum physics.

 enjoy feng shui